Congratulations to our Dementia Studies Graduates!


Dame Judie Dench pictured with some of our Dementia studies graduates following the ceremony on 26th June 2013

Dame Judie Dench pictured with some of our Dementia studies graduates following the ceremony on 26th June 2013

The dementia studies team are delighted to say that we had our largest ever group of students receiving their awards either in person or in absentia at the graduation ceremony on 26th June 2013. There was 15 students receiving their postgraduate certificate, 4 with merit, 4 students receiving the postgraduate diploma and 19 students receiving their MSc, 3 with merit and 1 student with distinction.  There is a particular international flavour to those graduating this year as we have students from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Republic of Ireland. Dr Fiona Kelly & Dr Richard Ward were delighted to welcome a number of those who had graduated to a small get together on Wednesday evening following the ceremony – this was a great achievement for all those involved.

The University of Stirling honoured Oscar-winning actress Dame Judi Dench with a doctorate in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the Arts, particularly to film.

The University paid special tribute to the important role Dame Judi has played in highlighting the work of the University’s Dementia Services Development Centre.

For the full details follow link: