Babu Varghese, project office at ARDSI (Alzheimer and related disorders society of India) and currently studying towards MSc in Dementia studies at Stirling, with support form the commonwealth scholarship commission, was delighted to accept the 1st ADI Met Life Foundation Award 2013 for the Best Dementia Education Project under the Asia Pacific Category for the ARDSI project “Making Cochin a Dementia Friendly Community: An ARDSI Approach”. The award was presented to Babu at a ceremony held at the recent International Conference of Alzheimer Disease International in Taipei.Babu said “I found myself extremely honoured to be receiving such an important award, this has given us an opportunity to step back and look at what we have achieved in the past years, reflect on the journey travelled and contemplate how we can ensure the sustainability of this project and its vision across the country.”
We share this honour with our Board members, volunteers, Caregivers, Staff, etc. and dedicate this award to all the persons with dementia and their advocates in India. Thank you ADI and Met Life Foundation.We are very optimistic that the recognition we received will renew our enthusiasm and allow us to aspire to even greater heights.
Babu felt that the knowledge gained from his studies has helped him to have a more systematic approach to his work as well as giving it a real academic dimension.
Congratulation to Babu and his team at ARDSI from all the Dementia studies team at Stirilng!